Sunday, January 22, 2012

Guilty as charged

Clothes!!!  We have too many clothes.  I honestly do a minimum of 20 loads of laundry each week, I swear.  But, today, John was actually enjoying a little break on the recliner downstairs while I was upstairs putting away the clothes in the kids room.  Ultimately trying to take back our master bedroom from the onslaught of laundry baskets and unmatched socks.  So, here's where I am guilty.  The kids were playing in the same room as Daddy, so when they started calling for me, I froze, didn't make a sound, move, blink, etc.  I pretended I was invisible.  I thought maybe they would think I had disappeared.  Since none of them had actually seen me go upstairs, the chase ensued.  Nolan said I was in the basement, so I heard all six feet head north to the basement stairs.  Then they thought I was in the laundry room, bathroom (we all know there is no privacy in there anyway), office, and FINALLY they figured out I was upstairs.  So, as any mom enjoying a little quiet time would do, I hid in my closet with the lights turned off.  Yep, I hid from my kids, not once, but twice in one morning.  I have a large walk-in closet, so it's not like I was wedged into a closet, but I am 100%, guilty as charged.  I am a hider.  I thwarted their efforts to find me this time.  :-)

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